Non-combustibility Tester And Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter Ready for ShipmentIn this month, we finished production and arranged the shippment of ISO 1182 Non-combustibility tester anda ISO 1716 Oxygen bomb calorimeter to our customer in UAE. ISO 1182 Non-combustibility tester measures the non-combustibil
Fire Characteristics of Building Materials The fire characteristics of building materials are mainly combustion performance, fire resistance limit, toxicity and smoke generation during combustion.The combustion performance of building materials is divided into four levels, namely Class A is non-comb
In November, our customer from a lab in the USA purchased our GD-ISO1182 Building Material Non-Combustibility Tester.
EN ISO 1182 / EN 1182 Test Methods for Non-Combustibility of Building MaterialsNon-combustible materials refer to those who do nor catch fire, smoke, or burn when they are exposed to flame or high temperature. It includes all natural materials (stones, sands, clays,etc.) as well as artificially made