IEC 60754 Cable Corrosion Tester Ready for Shipment

Publish Time: 2024-04-11     Origin: Site

IEC 60754 Cable Corrosion Tester Ready for Shipment

IEC 60754 Cable corrosion tester is ready for shipment.

Cable corrosion tester is also name Electric cables halogen acid gas release tester. It can comply with IEC 60754-1/-2 to determine the halogen acid gas content, acidity (by pH measurement) and conductivity.

Now, there are some changes to the configuration of the equipment.

The equipment adds a protective cover to the tube furnace to prevent operators from accidentally touching the tube furnace to affect the test. In terms of configuration, the 250ml washing bottle has been replaced by a 500ml one, and add more combustion boats in the package.

If you are also interested in this equipment, welcome to contact us!!

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