What's simple size for the cone calorimeter test?

Publish Time: 2023-11-06     Origin: Site

What's  simple size for the cone calorimeter test?

In cone calorimeter testing, the sample should have a complete shape, uniform material, and be a square with dimensions of 100x100 mm. The thickness should be chosen between 3 to 20 mm, with commonly used thicknesses being 4 mm and 10 mm.

The cone calorimeter sample can be fabricated by either pressing it with a mold or cutting it from a finished sheet. Regardless of the method used, the sample must not have uneven thickness, large bubbles, missing material, or uneven edges.

In particular, for samples fabricated with a mold, the material should be thoroughly mixed during blending or stirring by repeating the process multiple times on the equipment. This ensures a uniform composition of the sample, leading to stable combustion test results and good data repeatability.

Ideally, cone calorimeter samples to be tested should have the same thickness for comparison purposes. It is advisable to prepare two or more samples of each type to serve as backup in case of test data failure.

Before cone calorimeter testing, the sample should be wrapped with aluminum foil on all five sides to prevent excessive dripping during combustion and ensure accurate testing. One large exposed surface should be used for marking identification, receiving radiant heat, and observing test phenomena. Comparative analysis of data curves can then be performed.

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