Views: 28 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2020-12-14 Origin: Site
EN 13501-1: 2018 Fire classification of construction products and building elements. Part 1: Classification using data from reaction to fire tests.
EN 13501-1 Classification of fire protection:
Seven levels of fire protection rating: A1, A2, B, C, D, E, F or A1fl, A2fl, Bfl, Cfl, Dfl, Efl, Ffl or A1L, A2L, BL, CL, DL, EL, FL
Additional levels of smoke production: s1, s2, s3
Additional levels of burning drips/particulates: d0, d1, d2
EN13501-1 fire rating test standard
EN ISO 1182 Building products burning performance test-non-combustibility test
EN ISO 9239-1 Determination of the combustion performance of floor coverings—Radiant heat source court
EN ISO 1716 Test method for combustion heat value of building materials
EN ISO 13823 Single burning test of building materials or products (SBI)
EN ISO 11925-2 Flammability test of building materials, Part 2: Single fire source test.
EN13501-1 fire rating test standard for general building materials
EN13501-1 Class A1: Test according to EN ISO 1182 and EN ISO 1716 standards and meet the requirements.
EN13501-1 Class A2: Test according to EN ISO 1182, EN ISO 1716 and EN ISO 13823 standards and meet the requirements.
EN13501-1 Class B, C, D: Test according to EN ISO 13823, EN ISO 11925-2 standards and meet the requirements.
EN13501-1 Class E: Tested according to EN ISO 11925-2 standards and meets the requirements.
EN13501-1 Class F: Tested according to EN ISO 11925-2 standard but does not meet the requirements.
EN13501-1 fire rating test standard for floor materials
EN13501-1 A1fl level: Tested according to EN ISO 1182 and EN ISO 1716 standards and meets the requirements.
EN13501-1 A2fl level: Tested according to EN ISO 1182, EN ISO 1716 and EN ISO 9239-1 standards and meets the requirements.
EN13501-1 Class Bfl, Cfl, Dfl: Tested according to EN ISO 9239-1 and EN ISO 11925-2 standards and meets the requirements.
EN13501-1 Efl level: Tested according to EN ISO 11925-2 standard and meets the requirements.
EN13501-1 Ffl level: Tested according to EN ISO 11925-2 standard but does not meet the requirements.
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