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Test Requirements and Evaluation of French M1 Level

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Test Requirements and Evaluation of French M1 Level

Test Requirements and Evaluation of French M1 level

Many high-traffic places or ultra-high buildings are required the fire rating of products and materials to reach the French M1 level. For hard products of all thickness and soft materials with a thickness of more than 5mm, the test is mainly carried out according to the NFP92-501 standard. The “q” value is used to evaluate the fire rating M1-M4. For soft materials not exceeding 5mm, the test is mainly carried out according to the NFP92-503 standard.

Test standards and evaluation of French M1 level

NFP92-501 M level test and evaluation

All thicknesses of rigid materials and soft materials with a thickness of more than 5mm are subject to fire protection tests and assessments from M1 to M4 according to the NFP92-501 standard. According to the q value, the fire rating is divided. If necessary, join the fire resistance test results of NF P92-504 and the hot melt material test results of NF P92-505 as the basis for classification.

M1 level “q” value requirements  0<q <2.5

M2 level “q” value requirement  2.5<q <15

M3 level “q” value requirement  15<q <50

M4 level “q” value requirement  q≥50

NFP90-501 test Apparatus

NFP92-503 M level test and evaluation

For soft materials with a thickness of less than or equal to 5mm, the M1 level test is carried out according to the NFP92-503 standard. The M1 value requirement: no ignition absorbent cotton pad and the burning time ≤ 5 seconds; the M2 value requirement: when the burning time> 5 seconds, the material The damage length is less than 350mm and there is no ignited absorbent cotton pad; M3 value requirements: when the burning time is more than 5 seconds, the damage length of the material is 450mm-600mm, the width cannot exceed 90mm and there is no ignited absorbent cotton pad.

NFP92-503 tester

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